Entries tagged with



Preserving Your Pumpkin…

With Halloween around the corner we’ve picked out our pumpkins and we’re ready to start carving! But every year I seem to jump the gun too early. Because by the time the 31st rolls round our pumpkin has turned to mush and mold. Which definitely fits the bill for spooky and scary but well, it’s just plain gross. Luckily I came across a post on Facebook about how to preserve your pumpkin and was so intrigued that I had to give it a whirl…

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Morning Sickness…

A girlfriend of mine is pregnant (YEAH) but has morning sickness (BOOO.) Poor thing! It brought back some pretty bleak memories for me. With both pregnancies I was severely sick the first four months. I’m talking vomiting from morning till night.

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Mommy Brain…

Mommy brain is not only real it’s a condition. The good news, it can be treated. I’m in the midst of working on mine and thankfully seeing a positive shift as my memory loss and brain fog are at an all time high. It’s become pretty alarming to me since the birth of Evelyn that I had to talk to my friend and nutritionist for the past 5 years Debra Delson (who is a mother of two) to help me get a handle on what’s going on (or not going on) in my head.

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