
Back to School Uniform…

The girls are starting preschool this week and we are ready to go! I recently discussed some ideas and tips to get them (and you) ready for the new school year , along with my back-to-school must-have list. Now let’s focus on us!

I don’t have the luxury yet of being able to drop the kids off curbside and watch them run in. Nope. I have to walk them in and drop them off to their respective classrooms, which means I have to be somewhat put together for an 8am appearance! I must say though, that “drop-off” is one of my favorite times of the morning as I love watching Mabel walk-in with a strut and smile while she greets her teachers and friends with squeals and hugs. I’m looking forward to watching Evelyn making these connections as she starts her first day of preschool in a few days—sob, sob.

Through the years I’ve really honed in on my style, what works for me and what doesn’t. What I’ve come to realize is less is more and having some staples in my closet is key as you can keep rotating them for a LONG time. Which also makes it very easy to get dressed in the morning. Kind of like my own back-to-school uniform.

Here are a few simple pieces that might inspire you as well:

Through the years I’ve really honed in on my style, what works for me and what doesn’t...

Jeans: High-rise jeans fit my body type now after having two kids. You can’t go wrong with a good fitting jean in your closet to throw on in a dash. Try these  High-rise Frame  jeans which are my new favorite brand or this great pair from GAP .

T’s: I’ll be grabbing some of these new and soft fresh T’s to start the school year. Love this Layered T  or this good ole basic .

Converse: I’ve always been a Chuck Taylor girl since high school. Nothing like a new clean pair. Or a nice ballet flat to slip into to run in and out with.

Leggings: A simple pair of leggings with a longer T-shirt or knit is always a good basic to have.

Boots: Living on the East Coast we will definitely have some cold weather coming our way, so a good basic boot to slip into will be a must for me.

Sweater/Knits: I love cashmere and when it’s good, it’ll last you for years! Here are some nice high and low  options that you can’t go wrong with.

And for those of us who drop the kids off and then run to the gym, I’ll be working on a fitness fashion post soon!

Emma xx


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