
Breastfeeding Must-Haves…

Breastfeeding was a big part of my life non-stop for 2.5 years. My second post I did for my blog was about my journey through breastfeeding . I have such fond memories mixed with memories of pure frustration during that time. Like anything, time is fleeting and all things come to an end. But left up to Mabel she would still be breastfeeding if I would let her, lol. She LOVED it!

In honor of National Breastfeeding month I wanted to put together a list of everything that got me through those first few weeks and the long haul, along with a few tips that helped me through. This is one nostalgic trip down memory lane and I’m happy I get to share it here.

Mother’s Milk Tea : I never had to take anything to help my supply with Mabel but with Evelyn I needed all the help I could get. I felt like this particular tea to produce some results.

No-bake lactation bites : This is a good snack recipe for everyone in the house, especially a mother who is looking to help increase her milk supply and energy.

Medela’s Freestyle pump : Hands down my favorite pump. I had a love hate relationship with it of course. I loved it with Mabel as I had SO much milk, making a bottle was never an issue. Hated it once I had Evelyn as my supply was so lame trying to make enough ounces to make a bottle became disheartening.

Nipple Balm : Those first few weeks and even during the course of breastfeeding my nipples would get sore. This balm was a staple in my medicine cabinet for 2.5 years.

In honor of National Breastfeeding month I wanted to put together a list of everything that got me through...

Softshells : My nipples were very sore and tender after I had Evelyn. These softshells were heaven, they kept any clothing away from my nipples.

Boppy : This nursing pillow really helped me during the newborn stage with both girls. It helped with getting them into the right position and being able to relax my arms and shoulders while I nursed.

Bibs & burp cloths: Both my kids were happy spitters. I had to keep bibs on them for the first few months and burp clothes on anyone’s shoulder that dared hold them.

Nursing Tank Tops : I lived in these the first few months. When your baby is hungry they are hungry and having easy access to your breast makes life a whole lot easier.

Tip: remember to relax your shoulders when you are nursing. My gosh, did I give myself a sore neck from bringing my shoulders up when I nursed. Just take a deep breath and relax.

I remember feeling so isolated during those middle-of-the-night feeds. This was actually true as well during the day, so I downloaded some brainteaser apps on my phone to keep me engaged and also helps with mommybrain .

La Leche League is such a great organization as they provide mother-to-mother support and encouragement. Reach out to them if you need some words of wisdom.

What a nice walk down memory road! What are/were your breastfeeding must-haves?

Emma xx


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There are 8 comments
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JSN says:

A huge refillable water bottle is a breastfeeding MUST. The munchkin pacifier wipes were my quick-clean pump solution – way less expensive than Medela pump wipes and just as effective. A hair tie for my wrist to remember which side I started on last (especially in the hazy newborn days). Anita nursing bras and Target for nursing tanks. Lanisoh nursing pads.

Emma Heming Willis says:

So on point!!!

Gail says:

Hi Emma! I completely agree with you, breastfeeding was such a special time yet it had some frustrating moments as well. My first baby was the most difficult to breastfeed, but the other three were champs! My fourth daughter, who is now two and a half, was much like your Mabel and would have breastfed forever if I had let her!

I absolutely loved my Boppy pillow and Medela double electric pump the most. The pump was great when I went to work because I often had to pump between patients. I could write up my chart entries while pumping hands-free, it was brilliant! I also drank the special tea (an acquired taste for me), then drank skim milk with Ovaltine at night which seemed to also help with supply. I loved the nursing tanks too…it seemed like I wore them for years!

One of the most useful things I received as a gift was a nursing cover, I believe they are called Hooter Hiders by Bebe’ Au Lait. I used these everytime I had to nurse outside of the house which was a lot because we are always on the go. These tie around the neck and have a special flexible rib in the top opening so that the cover/blanket is held out allowing you to see the baby while they nurse. My girls loved it because they could still see me under the cover and were not trying to throw the cover off to see Mommy. Two of my girls had that habit of throwing off the blanket and exposing Mommy, it happened once in the middle of the Magic Kingdom in Disney World…I was mortified! I also liked it because I felt like it gave the baby more air under the cover/blanket as I was worried about them getting too hot.

Great idea for a blog topic, Emma! I really like how your website helps Moms to help one another! Please keep blogging and enjoy the rest of the summer with your wonderful family!

AJ Angsley says:

Definitely on the boat of its hard and the staple of nipple cream!

Funny – I’m finishing up my blog on breast feeding!

Laurie Naughton says:

Even though it’s been almost 10 years since breastfeeding my youngest son, I still reminisce about my nursing experience with joy and wonder. After getting through the first two weeks of nipple pain, engorgemrnt and finding the most effective positions, I remember marveling at the fact that my body alone was producing all my baby needed to grow and thrive. It still amazes me. Thanks for your insightful list of must-haves!

Emma Heming Willis says:

Our bodies our amazing. I was floored that what I produced from my body could keep my kids alive!! Power to the boobies!

Jamie Harvey says:

What a beautiful photo and special time. I am currently at 15 months and it was a challenge with recurring mastitis but we are going strong! Maybe post on weaning tips sometime? Not sure when we will quit but I love it! I would add a large water bottle to your list. I used an app in the beginning that helped me know which side I left off on and how long I nursed on each side.

Emma Heming Willis says:

Great idea! I will do a weaning post! And YES water bottle to the list is a great one! Water is key!!!

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