Food / Mamahood

Involving the family in Thanksgiving Prep…

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s easy to get so caught up in preparations that you begin to feel overstressed, taking away from the joy of being with family for the holidays. This year, instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, let’s make Thanksgiving prep a family affair and create some wonderful memories together! Let’s discuss some ideas on how to get your whole family involved in preparing for the festivities.

Assign tasks

Give everyone in the family a specific task to complete before Thanksgiving day. Assign someone to pick up groceries, another to decorate the table, and another to make dessert. This will not only take some of the load off of you, but it will also give everyone a sense of purpose and responsibility. You can even get your littlest ones involved by letting them help with decorations or age-appropriate tasks like putting away toys.

Cooking together

Get your kids involved in the kitchen! This is a great way to spend quality time together while also teaching your children important life skills. Even young children can help with tasks like mixing ingredients, setting the table, and (the best part) taste testing.

Crafts with the kids

Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks, so why not create some crafts with your children that highlight gratitude? Let your kids make place cards for the table or a gratitude jar for everyone to write what they are thankful for.


Volunteering together as a family is a great way to get in the spirit of giving thanks. Consider volunteering at a local soup kitchen or shelter to help those in need. Not only will you be making a difference in someone’s life, but you’ll also be teaching your children the importance of giving back.


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s easy to get so caught up in preparations that you begin to feel overstressed...

Now that we’ve talked about getting the whole family involved in Thanksgiving prep, let’s talk about how to take care of yourself during the holiday season. With all the craziness, it’s important to remember to take a few minutes every day to practice self-care. Even if it’s just a moment of deep breathing to ground yourself, don’t forget to take care of yourself so that you can fully enjoy this festive time with your loved ones.

So, as you gear up for the holiday season, remember to take a few moments to take some time for yourself. And, with the help of these Thanksgiving prep ideas, you can enjoy a stress-free and meaningful holiday with your loved ones.

kids in the kitchenkids tablethanksgiving

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