
Morning Sickness…

A girlfriend of mine is pregnant (YEAH) but has morning sickness (BOOO.) Poor thing! It brought back some pretty bleak memories. With both pregnancies I was severely sick the first four months. I’m talking vomiting from morning till night. It was so bad I lost five pounds my first trimester. It was very worrying to me but not so much to my OBGYN. Thankfully I ended up with two very healthy babies. Mabel was 9 lbs 1 oz and Evelyn was 8 lbs 10 oz. Big babies.

I had lists upon lists and everyone talking in my ear about what I should be doing, trying, taking, and drinking. The only thing I could stomach in the mornings was a toasted bagel, buttered with a slice of cheese. And bless my husband’s heart, it was next to my bed every morning when I opened my eyes. Here’s the Top 5 list of things that they say should work for morning sickness. None of it did for me except for one! Read on to find out!

With both pregnancies I was severely sick the first four months...
  • Ginger anything:  Ginger Tea , Ginger Candy , Ginger Ale .
  • Sucking on candy: Women swear by Preggie Pops . And believe it or not, Sour Path Kids have been known to work wonders.
  • Sea BandsThe plastic studs on these wrist bands push the acupressure points that help with nausea. In 70% of morning sickness cases, studies showed that using Sea Bands had been proven to reduce nausea, if not totally taken away.
  • Protein and Carbs: Saltines, cheese, almonds help settle your belly. They say to snack on these all day long. The key is to not get hungry which could add to your already unsettled stomach.
  • Acupuncture : This was the Only relief I found. I went about 3 times a week. Usually in the afternoons when I could finally peel myself out of bed. Cindy would insert needles in to my ears along with some extra stimulation to the needles. By the time I left her office I could actually go and eat a meal and feel like I could participate in the human race for a few hours.

Luckily for me, by my fourth month in both pregnancies my morning sickness subsided. I went on to gain back all the weight I had lost and then some! Take solace in the fact that morning sickness is considered a positive sign of pregnancy.

What helped you through those early days of pregnancy?


From my home to yours,

Emma xx

morning sicknessmust-havesnatural remediesshopTips

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