
On To The Next One…

I’ve talked about my beautiful “spirited child” Mabel before. That dig-her-heals-in kind of mentality. And mind you she’s just shy of her third birthday. So yeah, I know what I’m working with.

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Nap-A-ByeBye Baby…

My almost 3 year old, Mabel has dropped her final nap. So what an interesting week it’s been! I’m a bit dumbfounded by the whole thing to tell the truth. Naps have been such a consistent theme (and struggle) in our lives for so long and now that’s it? It’s just gone? Now what happens between the hours of 1:30 to 3:30pm?

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Working it out…

I was raised with a very strong work ethic, all thanks to my mother. As a single parent, she often worked not only one but often three jobs just to keep us afloat. They may not have been her dream jobs but she did what she needed to do for us. The magnitude of her commitment as well as her unwavering determination to succeed as a mother has set the bar very high for me. Her acts of love and examples of how to take on challenges are something I will always be grateful for.

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Snack Time, Again!?

“Mama, I want a snack!” It’s the sentence I hear about 5 times (or more) during the course of the day. It gets my wheels turning every time. If I didn’t care less what my daughter put inside her body this would be a no brainer. But I do care as I’m sure we all do to a certain degree.

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Products, fashion, and design

Shop With Me…

Since becoming a busy mama of two, I’ve become an expert on-line shopper. Why? Because it’s fast and easy! Take a peek at my favorite products ranging from stuff for kids to beauty essentials, fashion and food. These are my favorite items of the moment.

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Beauty Products

CocoBaba by Emma Heming Willis

Cocobaba is a natural, effective skincare for moms, moms-to-be or when you just want to feel mothered.

Giving love to bellies, boobs and bums around the world.

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