
Plum Print…

If you’re like me, you have a hard time parting with your children’s art. I have Mabel’s first handprint art from when she was around a year old or so, and have saved everything since then. Then I noticed where I was storing all her art was bursting at the seams, I had to do something, but what? Do I start throwing this stuff away? Horrors! The guilt!

Believe it or not I started poring through all of her masterpieces and throwing pieces away that I felt didn’t have Mabel’s heart and soul in it. You know like some of the half-assed scribbles that at the time I thought might become classics. But I did find there were some I was on the fence about and it just made me so sad that I had made the decision to part with some of these pieces. That’s when my friend Nancy told me about her friend who co-founded Plum Print .

Here’s how Plum Print works. Sign-up with them online. They will send you a prepaid box in which you deposit all your child’s art. You then send it off to them and they will digitize the artwork and send you a sample portfolio online for you to approve. Once approved, you’ll receive a beautiful book in the mail with your child’s art professionally published, which you can then display on the coffee table! No need to keep it in a storage bin anymore where it doesn’t even get to see the light of day! Genius, right?

If you’re like me, you have a hard time parting with your children’s art...

I received my first hardcover book a few weeks ago and was blown away at how sweet and well done it was. And you would want to see the smile it brought to Mabel’s face. Priceless. I reached out to Nancy and said “I need to get in touch with Carolyn at Plum Print stat! My readers have to know about this company.”

So before I go any further, Plum Print is offering my readers $20 off your books using the Promo Code: EMMA20

Again, how genius is that!

When I spoke to Carolyn she said that most people order a box at the beginning of the school year, which becomes a place to store your child’s art as it comes in. I’m doing that for both kids in September so at the end of the school year I’ll send it off and that way, I’ll keep a year-to-year journal of their artistic endeavors.  

Plum Print also offers some terrific perks. You can become a brand ambassador where you can host a casual party or a school event so parents can see first-hand how great the Plum Print products are. You can also set up a school fundraiser using Plum Print products where 10% of the sales will go back to your child’s school. You know I love a company that gives back !

Give it a try. You won’t be disappointed. I’m going to turn one of Mabel’s adorable stick figure drawings into a pillow! Yes, you can turn their art into more than just a book . Genius.

children's artclutter freeMust-haveorganizingPlum Print

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