
St. Paddy’s Day Green Smoothie…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

However I can find a way to get something green into my families system, I will most definitely try. Seeing that it’s St. Patrick’s Day and it’s all about green, I jumped at the chance of making a green smoothie for my family. I also let them know eating and wearing green is So important on this day 😉 Mabel and I were introduced to this delicious green smoothie recipe when we went to Stone Barns Center for our mommy and me cooking class and we took in what farm to table really meant.

Now this smoothie has been a big hit in the Willis household ever since:

I jumped at the chance of making a green smoothie for my family...
Green Machine Smoothie

Makes 2-4 servings


large kale leaves, chopped


leaf pak choi


apple, cubed




cup of orange juice


tbsp. honey


handful of ice

You won’t get pinched holding this in your hand today! Hope you have a great St. Patrick’s Day 🙂


Emma xx

bananaGreenHoneykaleorganicSimpleSmoothieSt patricks day

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Julia-Selina says:

Hi Emma,
My mother made today for my birthday today, an Irish cake. But a green smoothie, would not be bad and also much healthier. *lol* Just a pity that I can not eat more bananas. Can I take something else or leave the bananas just go away?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day for your Family and you ^^

Kiss and Hugs ^_^

Julia from Hamburg, Germany ^^

Emma Heming Willis says:

Happy Birthday Julia!! Instead of banana you could try avocado or even young coconut meat which would probably be first choice 🙂

Julia-Selina says:

Thank you Emma ^ _ ^

Thanks for the tip, I’ll try it. ^_^

Love greetings to your children and your husband ^_^

Kiss and Hugs Julia

Rosetta Patafie says:

Good Morning Emma! Great receipe thank you, family loved it.

Is there a difference between Raw cocunut oil and cocunut oil?

Thanks in advance xo

Emma Heming Willis says:

There are so many types of coconut oils! Check this site, it gives great info:

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