
Summer Camp…

Hooray for summer day camps! Camps are a great change of scenery as well as an opportunity for kids to hone in on specific areas of interest, explore new activities and grow (socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically). According to the American Camp Association  and Peter Scales, noted educator, author, and psychologist,”Camp is one of the few institutions where young people can experience and satisfy their need for physical activity, creative expression and true participation in a community environment.” I couldn’t agree more and to be perfectly honest, the girls are LOVING it.

Getting our kids outside , active and away from too much screen time (more about my screen battle in the coming weeks) is important to Bruce and I. Day camps are fun, engaging venues for learning–school without the stress…Heck, who wouldn’t mind a day of crafting and juice boxes?!? Sign me UP! There are actually tons of family and adult camps springing up around the world. If you are looking for a camp near you, go to the American Camp Association’s website and you can do a specific search by location, type (day/overnight), age (kid/family/adults), activities and budget.

What to Bring?

Each camp will usually send out a specific packing list and or daily must-haves. If you haven’t received any details, double check with your camp’s administrators to see if they have a list. Here are a few of our usual suspects and day camp favorites. Please let me know in the comments about any of your day camp must-haves. I would love to add to my list.

Extra Change of Clothes & Sweatshirt


Water Shoes

Soft Lunch Box : This one is great because it comes with a built in freezable liner

Thermos : Elsa approved 😉

Back Pack : I like this one because it has the separate pocket for water

Camps are a great change of scenery as well as an opportunity for kids to hone in on specific areas of interest, explore new activities and grow...

Reusable Snack bags from Bumpkin  Large  and Small 

Ice Packs for lunches



Lip Balm

Flip Flops

Insect Repellent: HUGE for us on east coast with the threat of ticks!

Don’t Forget to Label it!

If your child is wearing it or bringing it to camp, my best advice is to label it. Do you really want to be fishing out your child’s lunchbox, clothing item, etc. in a sea of 20 similar looking items?  No thank you! My favorite label company is called Mabel’s Labels (what a FAB name!) and they even have come out with a Day Camp Label pack which is awesome!

Mabel and Evelyn are a bundle of energy and excitement as they head out to camp in the mornings and there is nothing better than picking them up after camp and hearing all of the adventures from that morning. I am really loving how our summer is starting off.  I hope yours is going great as well.  Do your kids go or have gone to camp? Please share any of your day camp must-haves or tips down in the comments below.

Emma xx


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