We are totally a TV watching family…in moderation. Moonlighting totally counts as educational television, right?!? Kidding aside, like most parents, I do my best to keep my children’s screen time (tv, ipad, tablet, etc.) to a healthy minimum. Truth be told…
I believe it’s the thought that counts when it comes to gift giving. Father’s Day is one of those times when the girls and I need to make their father feel like the king that he is. He’s hands down one of the best dads I know and…
If there’s one thing my mother’s taught me about gift giving, it’s the thought that counts—and it truly is. I don’t feel that gifts have to be expensive to be great. If it comes from the heart and is well thought out, you can’t ever go wrong…
I never understood this whole shadow-boxing thing till a friend made the cutest one of my kids for me as a gift for Mother’s Day. Seeing one that had special meaning to me—well…
Holiday party season is in full swing. Social calendars are overflowing with dinners, cookie exchanges, potlucks and everything in between. It is important that we don’t get too swept up into the hustle and bustle of the season that we forget to show our appreciation for the hostess with the mostess. A sweet, thoughtful hostess gift is the perfect way to thank someone for their hospitality. The gesture of a gracious guest is never forgotten. Below are a few of my favorite hostess treats…