Entries tagged with



Tips On Keeping Your Resolutions…

I don’t believe in making New Year’s Resolutions. Let me clarify that statement. I don’t believe in setting unrealistic goals that are going to end up in the trash can next to that bag of chips I shouldn’t have eaten. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for making changes toward healthy balanced living, but you need to be able to support your good intentions properly…

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Handwritten Love…

Who knew there was such a thing as National Handwriting Day?! I’m alllll for it! Is there a parade? 😉 I’ve talked about my trials and tribulations related to Mommy Brain, so believe me when I say writing stuff down is key for helping me remember things. I find when I actually put pen to paper I remember better…

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The Worrywart…

Nothing will make you more aware of your mortality than when you become a parent. That’s what has happened to me and it has been paralyzing at times. So much so, that I called my beloved ObGyn the other day and asked if I was suffering from Postpartum Depression. He said…

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Stay Sane On A Plane… With Toddlers

Holiday travel season is nearly upon us. I’m almost breaking into a sweat thinking about it. Nobody wants to be “that parent” on a plane with the crying baby or screaming toddler, but sometimes it happens no matter what you do. Do your very best, but do NOT have a Mommy meltdown if things don’t go according to plan. Remember, these kids smell fear and can feed off our anxiety. Calm and cool wins the race… or maybe it’s a case of fake it till you make it?! I’m good at that one! Below are my tried and tested tips for plane travel…

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The 3’s…

I’ve talked about my eldest daughter Mabel in previous postings. You might remember reading about our experiences with the “2s” last year. Well … the “3s” are here in full swing!

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