If you’re like me, you have a hard time parting with your children’s art. I have Mabel’s first handprint art from when she was around a year old or so, and have saved everything since then. Then I noticed where I was storing all her art was bursting at the seams, I had to do something, but what?
My daughters are 2 and 4 so we are in the adorable preschool zone. They are getting invited to plenty of birthday parties which is always so sweet to see them so excited about a pending party coming up for one of their friends. On the flip side…
Back in the day, when I was modeling full-time I used to get booked a lot for shoots that allowed me to show off my bikini body. I was always confident with the way my body looked. Mind you, I did work my butt off in the gym to keep that bikini body together but…