What I’ve figured out the second time around is that it’s been best to follow my children’s lead on certain things. For example, for the last six months, I’ve been asking my now three-year-old daughter Evelyn about being moved over to a “big girl bed”. “No mommy, I love my crib,” she would respond. Well, I kept checking in with her every month and…
My youngest daughter, Evelyn is a big fan of her sense of taste, and until recently insisted on tasting just about anything she could get her hands on! So when I started looking for sensory projects for her, I sought out ones that were edible. Not the ones that actually tasted yummy, because I felt I would be fueling the fire. Evelyn has thankfully just transitioned out of the “put everything in your mouth” stage, but these bins are great no matter what stage of development your younger children are in.
When Evelyn was eating pureed food I loved using this food processor called The Baby Cook. It was quick, simple and we sure got our money’s worth out it. It steams and purees all in one with the push of a button. There was also a great cookbook offered along with some exciting puree options. It was especially helpful when I hit a wall trying to come up with different ideas.
With all the exciting firsts happening in Evelyn’s life, the one I was not looking forward to was her first cold. But it’s inevitable. At 8 months Evelyn caught a very bad cold. And I’m not talking just the sniffles but a terrible cough as well. Have you ever heard a baby cough? It’s very scary. Talk about feeling helpless.
Evelyn is teething and my poor baby is not happy about it. I’m trying to do what I can to make this process as comfortable for her as possible but I still feel it’s not enough even when I feel I’m pulling out all the stops…