
The New Potato…

Food is such a big part of the family dynamic.  Meal times are a great opportunity to bring the family together and connect. I recently did an interview for The New Potato where we discussed my favorite morning rituals (Bruce’s corn cakes) to the importance of a dinner party playlist. You can check out the full interview here .

Does your family have any favorite meals or meal time rituals?


Emma xx


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izabela hadaś says:

Hello Emma☺
Czytałam ten artykuł,wywiad i myślę że fajnie jeść całą rodziną posiłki.Ale niestety nie zawsze jest to możliwe raczej wtedy gdy nie pracujemy.
Mój mąż I ja lubimy sałatkę z tortellini,pomidory,ogórek zielony i kawałki piersi z kurczaka ale gotowany( mniam.)
Piękne zdjęcia i ty sama☺
Bardzo serdecznie Cię pozdrawiam

Zita says:

Dear Emma,

since my baby girl was born, I cook almost every day. Now she is 2,5 years old and when I am at home we are having luch and dinner together. We like salmon and nearly all kinds of vegetables, esp. tomatoes, spinach and pumpkin 🙂 It is also great that she tries to help me to cook 🙂 She is very good eater and I am happy that she likes my meals and enjoys the time we spend together …

You have great family, wishing you all the best.

Zita xxx

Wendy R says:

Hi Emma – Great top! 🙂 Love the summery colours! What a lovely article and a great read! thanks for sharing!! We are big foodies in our house and I plan our meals 7 days in advance and write all the evening meals on a chalk board in the kitchen so everyone knows what meal is coming up. Our ritual most nights is for the family (hubby and me, 16 yr old daughter and my 4 yr old son) to all sit and eat a meal together – TV off and nice dinner music in the background and no-one starts eating until everyone is at the table. We love it so much. I also used to say ‘enjoy my family’ every night just as we were starting to eat, not really realising I was saying it, until my four year old asked if he can be ‘in charge’ of saying it. So now when we sit down for dinner its his ‘job’ to say enjoy my family – he can be so sweet… now I just have to get him to stop saying it as he tells us about 20 times during dinner! hehehe…
Hope the new week is good for you – can you believe its August already!
Wendy x

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