At the end of a long day, bath time is such a nice way for my kids to wind-down. Especially for my 3-year-old who just has I’ve always loved aromatherapy and wanted to start introducing it more into my children’s life. I had come across some calming ready-made bath products that you can easily add to your child’s bath but I loved the idea of making my own. Especially when it’s so easy to do. Once I went down that rabbit hole of information and options, the concoction below is what I liked best. I don’t use it every night in Mabel’s bath, just the evenings when I see she still has that little extra spring in her step!
But first, here’s some information. Surprisingly I found out that bath salts like Epsom or Redmond are great if you are trying to cut back on soaps that might be drying your child’s skin out. I talked previously about Mabel’s skin condition and how it runs on the drier side so I have to be careful with what soaps I use–the less, the better.
Salts like Redmond or Epsom contain magnesium and come to find out the average person is already deficient. By adding the salts to the tub the body will absorb the magnesium that gets drained through the simple stresses of life. Magnesium helps relax muscles (nice for growing bodies), helps with concentration, and wait for it… improves sleep. It also boosts the immune system because it stimulates the lymph system. How great does all that sound?!
Salts like Redmond or Epsom contain magnesium and come to find out the average person is already deficient...
1 Cup of Redmond Bath Salts. Or you can use Epsom
1 TBSP of Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, and my Favorite… Coconut Oil
7 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix. Put into a glass jar and store in the bathroom. I use 2 tablespoons in a full tub for Mabel.
As the lavender infused salts starts to melt in the warm tub the bathroom sleeps so nice. Breathing in the smell of lavender just calms me as well. Bonus.
Do you use aromatherapy with your kids too? Do you have any home-made calming recipes you like to use?
Emma xx
A side note.. because of the oil in the recipe, I make sure Mabel’s anti-slip bath mat is in the tub. Also, I pile Mabel’s hair on top of her head so she won’t get the tub water in her hair as it will make it oily.
Emma, your bath recipe sounds heavenly…when I close my eyes, I can almost smell it!
P.S. – Please let me know if anyone finds a way to bottle the energy of a 3-year-old; I’ll be the first customer!!!
All the Best…RK
You know you can make some for yourself!!! Enjoy 🙂 xx