
Tips On Keeping Your Resolutions…

I don’t believe in making New Year’s Resolutions . Let me clarify that statement. I don’t believe in setting unrealistic goals that are going to end up in the trash can next to that bag of chips I shouldn’t have eaten. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for making changes toward healthy balanced living , but you need to be able to support your good intentions properly. How do you do that? Below are my top 5 Tips for staying on track with your New Year’s Resolutions (or any healthy lifestyle change you want to adopt)…

Tell a Friend (or two): Getting a friend on board with your quest is a great “sticking with it” tactic. In this case misery does not love company! This a great way to hold you and your buddy accountable. As well as give you support when you consider throwing in the towel. If you can’t get someone to join your objective, then tap a friend as backup. Afterall, that’s what friends are for 😉

Moderation Wins The Race: Laying down ironclad ultimatums is only going to sink you from their weight. Trying to live in a land of no carbs ever is going to land you face down in a bucket (or two) of french fries. Be realistic with your goals. The end game should be working toward balanced healthy living. Take a look at this article from Real Simple . They have a great list of simple and doable tweaks to keep you on track towards your goals.

Don’t Trip When You Fall: If you fall (drink that soda, bite your nails), don’t give up. Dust yourself off. Pick yourself back up and start again. Remember progress not perfection.

I don’t believe in setting unrealistic goals...

Fake It Till You Make It: Embrace the new you NOW. Be happy in your own skin at this moment! If increased fitness is your plan, then get cute workout clothes  that make you feel good. Your hubby’s tattered college tee shirt just won’t do. Or how about a cute lil Apple Watch  to monitor your fitness goals and keep you motivated. Also on the fitness tip, I’m a big fan of great playlists to get your body moving. Even if fitness isn’t your game, music is a wonderful inspirational tool.

Google it: Use the power of the internet for good. Find support, tips and healthy alternatives to whatever habit you are trying to leave behind in 2015.

Did you make any resolutions this year? What were they? Please share them with me in the comments. Maybe  writing them down  will be the first step toward accountability and making them a reality. I would also LOVE to hear your tips on how you stay on track.

Emma xx


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Roxanne says:

Hi Emma!

Great advice on keeping yourself on track and making your goals. Baby steps are so important. I think we have all set ourselves up for failure at one time or another by taking to big of a step at once. No matter what the resolution small goals will help you reach the big one at the end. Definitely write it down. Seeing your goals on paper helps keep you focused. Reward yourself when you reach each smaller goal. I love to go to the store and pick out a new cd. My world doesn’t go around without music! Lol. I love the part about don’t trip when you fall! It’s human nature to goof up. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow is a new day and you will be back on track. I definitely agree with the buddy system. It’s nice to know that someone has got your back when you need that little shove or to be there to celebrate when each of you has reached a goal.

As far as my New Years resolutions go I have a few. I have told you before that I have SLE. ( systemic lupus ) In March I will be 13 years out from the diagnosis that I thought would do me in. It almost did a few times now. Long story short I started with a New Years resolution 5 years ago. Everyday I would try to live each day like it could be my last. I find the good in each day even if it is one of those days when you are ready to pull your hair out. The good is there somewhere even if you have to get out a magnifying glass to see it. Lol. Laughter is a huge part of that. My biggest resolution this year is to make ten people smile or laugh each and everyday. I work at a little mom and pops type store here in Congress so I have plenty of victims. So far it’s going very well. It is actually pretty easy considering I have a “I will never grow up and nobody can make me” attitude. Lol. A friendly smile or a little laugh goes along way when you have reached the end of your ropes. If I can brighten 10 people’s day than maybe they can do the same and it will be contagious! Lol. After all laughter is the best medicine. ( it sure beats the chemotherapy and steroids! )

I also have the regular ones like everybody else. I have lost 120 lbs. and have kept it off for the most part so far. It’s tough battling the steroids and bad kidneys. My goal is 50 more. Five pounds at a time. I’m hoping to reach it by the end of the year if I can get a little cooperation from my health.

Keeping in better touch with friends and family is another one. I started at the store in August last year and I work o couple of 14 hour shifts plus a couple short ones so it doesn’t leave a lot of time to catch up. My goal is to make time. You know how it is…you have little ones 24/7.

I hope you are having a great start to the new year. It certainly sounds like you are by reading all your posts. Thanks for sharing and caring the way you do Emma…your the best! I wish you and your whole family all the best that 2016 has to offer. Remember…laugh it up…it will save your hair…maybe not from turning grey but it might keep you from pulling it out during those trying times! 🙂

Until next time,
Roxanne xoxo 🙂

Emma Heming Willis says:

Hi Roxanne… Well you got me to smile, so that’s one person down today! Thank you for sharing. Sounds like you are on the right track which is Always inspiring to read as I’m sure it will be for others. Keep up the great work. All the best for 2016 xxx

Gail says:

Hi Emma!
I made the same resolutions this year that I did last year, but instead this year I am going to take it in baby steps because they didn’t stick too well last year…lol!

Trying to stay more organized with my house and four girls is my first resolution! I’m taking baby steps by tackling one room/area of the house per day and not beating myself up if it takes me another day to complete an area. I’m a list-maker so I love checking things off on a list too. I took your advice from a previous post and bought one of those pretty Moleskine mini pads to take with me and write things/lists down so I won’t forget. Thanks for the great idea!

My other resolution is to stop procrastinating. I am a definite procrastinator by nature and work best under pressure. I’m finding I can reduce my pressure/stress by doing a little bit of a task every day instead of leaving everything to the last minute. Some days I get so caught up in the kids that I get nothing done because we have been playing, crafting, singing or coloring all day…which I actually classify as an awesome day! They won’t be little forever so I try not to beat myself up over having a “play day” with my babies, but I still feel guilty about not getting all of my stuff done. The balance is so hard sometimes, but we mom’s definitely need to give ourselves credit and not be too hard on ourselves.

I truly enjoy your blogs! Please keep them coming! Oh, I also bought one of the infusion bottles that you recommended in a precious blog…it’s awesome! Now if I can just get it away from my two older girls so I can use it!

Emma Heming Willis says:

Gosh you sound like me. And you are so right, baby steps. Tackle one room at a time. I even go as far as saying I’ll tackle this dresser today and that’s it! Baby steps! I have to say that I’m a procrastinator by nature too but since having kids I’ve realized that I don’t have that luxury anymore. So that’s helped me get myself and tasks in to gear! Thanks for reading :):) xx

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