
Bathtime Painting…

Bathtime is a big part of our evening wind down routine. I love using aromatherapy to soothe my kids at bathtime (great for Moms, too!!). I’ll be sharing some of my favorite aromatherapy tips and tricks soon, but today I’m talking about a very simple way to kick it up a notch for your little ones in the bathtub. This is also a great activity for those rainy/snow days or even when you have a sick child at home that needs a mellow, low-stress activity. I’m talking about painting in the tub.

It really couldn’t be easier and I promise it will bring smiles and fun. The great part is that you can use any body wash as your base, which is perfect because I need to use a sensitive skin wash for Mabel’s eczema. I like to use  Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash . The bonus here is that it has a creamy white base to work with so the color comes through more. I use a few of the smaller snack sized Tupperware as my paint containers and put a bit of body wash in each, add a few drops of  food coloring  and mix with a toothpick. But that’s when Mabel steps in and starts to mix her “potion” with her spoon or finger. I’ve seen a few recipes on Pinterest  that add cornstarch to the mixture for thickening, but I decided to pass, as I always err on the side of caution when it comes to Mabel’s skin. Here’s an option from Alex Toy’s  that looks just as fun too.

It really couldn’t be easier and I promise it will bring smiles and fun...

There are literally hundreds of ways to add a little fun (and learning) to bathtime so of course I had to make  Pinterest board   specifically for this type of good clean fun. Another fun tub paint trick to try is adding food coloring to shaving cream .  A muffin tin also makes the perfect painter’s palette!

Do you have any favorite bathtime routines?


Emma xx


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There are 2 comments
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Rosetta says:

Food colouring it sounds messy??? All over fingers?

Emma Heming Willis says:

Sounds it! But we didn’t have a problem. Might be because of the mixture with the soap?
Now mind you I didn’t need to use a lot of coloring!

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