Entries tagged with

#farm to table


Apple Picking Season…

Labor Day marks the start of the apple-picking season on the east coast. And lucky for us we have an array of orchards to choose from that are close by. This had been on my to-do calendar for some time now as I’m always searching for different and fun ideas to do with the girls. I mean, this was my first time apple picking as well!

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Garden Tomato Bounty…

My vegetable and herb garden is overflowing with summer bounty. I’m a bit in shock to say the least! We have tomatoes coming out of our ears! Not bad for a city girl and her first attempt at having a garden. Even if you’re not green thumbed, I’m sure you can appreciate the beauty of summer fruits and veggies. Tending to a garden definitely takes some work, but I love showing the girls where their food comes from. Our garden also is a bit of an additional incentive for Mabel to try some of the veggies we are growing.

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Farm To Table…

Growing up a city girl (and a child of the 80’s) I had no idea what farm to table meant. My mom and I didn’t know about eating organic. Sadly, I thought that fruits and vegetables just magically appeared at the grocery stores. A friend of mine told me about “The Little Cook’s” class being offered at a local farm called Stone Barns Center, where they teach you what farm to table is all about. An important life lesson for Mabel, and I jumped at the opportunity.

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