
Apple Picking Season…

Labor Day marks the start of the apple-picking season on the east coast. And lucky for us we have an array of orchards to choose from that are close by. This had been on my calendar for some time now as I’m always searching for different and fun ideas to do with the girls. I mean, this was my first time apple picking as well!

What was great about this whole experience was that both girls could actually participate. I thought I’d have to hoist them up so they could grab the apples from the trees. Well not at all! These apples trees were big and the branches were heavy and low, filled with juicy McIntosh apples. So the girls could take part independently to fill up their bags. They got in to the spirit of it very quickly. Especially when I noticed the little bite marks in some of the apples when I started unpacking them at home.

Lucky for us we have an array of orchards to choose from that are close by...

In keeping with the theme of farm to table , this fit the bill perfectly. I loved that we had a fun and memorable experience along with them learning where their food is coming from. I’ve put this on my list as a fun tradition to do with the girls each year. We are just harvesting fools over here! Tis the season 🙂 Now what to make with all these apples we picked?! Hmmmmm, a tradional apple pie might be in order. But I started a new Pinterest board to give us some other ideas! Unless you have some for me???

Emma xx

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Christina says:

We do this too every year in the north Georgia mountains. Is a fantastic way to say good bye to summer and get ready to snuggle up to winter.

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