
Mother’s Day Terrarium…

Since having my blog I have to say I’ve been pretty impressed with how crafty I’ve become. I never thought I had it in me but I actually do! I’m literally patting myself on the back as I type this :). Mind you anything I’m bringing to the table is totally do-able and dare I say pretty easy. I do not have time for complicated and I know you don’t either. If I can do it, anyone can!

Lately, I’ve developed a bit of a terrarium obsession. I find them so beautiful and serene to look at. It kind of has this fairy garden appeal that you can get lost in which I’m loving. The bonus with a terrarium is that it will last longer than your average bouquet of flowers with minimal TLC. Don’t get me wrong, I love a classic bouquet but you will get more bang for your buck by making your own terrarium and it’ll be the gift that keeps on giving. At first, I thought impossible. Emma this “making your own terrarium” is way out of your league. But I started  researching on Pinterest and I actually couldn’t believe how easy it could be! In fact, the hardest part was ordering what I needed and frankly that wasn’t all that difficult. And I’m about to make it even easier for you….

Here’s what you’ll need and what notes I’ve been picking up on the way to making your own terrarium:

The bonus with a terrarium is that it will last longer than your average bouquet of flowers with minimal TLC...
Mabel spraying the moss...

Glass Globe Topper Terrarium : I loved the way this terrarium looked and when it arrived—it did not disappoint. I prefer the glass terrarium option, as being able to see the layers through the glass is what makes it so special.

Ornamental Potting Stone, Medium : What you’ll need at the bottom is some air to let the plants breath and drain. As you’ll see the top layers are dense versus the bottom. That’s what you want. The medium sized rocks as my first layer gives the air needed for my plants as well as a beautiful first bottom layer.

Ornamental Potting Stone, Small : Just another aesthetically pleasing layer that will give you more space and air.

Potting Charcoal : If you buy terrarium soil you will not need charcoal as it’s already mixed into the soil. I went for the charcoal because I actually wanted to see that black layer. But besides being an eye pleaser (or not for some,) charcoal plays an important role. It’s a soil conditioner, improves oxygen, absorbs extra moisture and odor. But know that charcoal is Very messy. I made sure Mabel didn’t get involved in adding this layer.

Moss : Moss can absorb up to 10 times its weight in water. Plus it’s another added soil conditioner. Because moss is so dense, I used it beneath my soil so no soil could get pass that layer and make things filthy below. We found moss in our backyard which was a little dry but Mabel gave it a mist which made it much easier to work with.

Potting Soil : You’ll need a nice healthy layer of soil to make sure you can plant your plants.

Plant Collection : When these adorable little plants arrived in the mail they were not looking their finest. I gave them a day to soak up some sun and water before I planted them in my terrarium. They came as 6 but I could only fit 4 in my terrarium. The other two I planted in our fairy garden .

Seashells : Originally I added the shells as my first layer on the bottom and pushed them right up to the glass so they could be seen but once I added the medium and smaller sized rocks they just got lost. So what I ended up doing was adding them on top of the soil. I used about 4 and I think it came out grand.

Mini shovel set : I didn’t have this mini set which would have been helpful. Instead, I used my girl’s toy sand shovel  and it did the trick just fine. Sometimes you have to improvise!

I made this terrarium a few weeks in advance to see if it was blog-worthy. I’ve had this terrarium for 2 weeks and it’s looking good! I’m not Mrs. Greenthumb over here and to be perfectly honest, I can’t wait to pass it to my mom because I know she won’t kill it! But really, this has taken minimal TLC on my part. I mist it every other day. I check the soil that it’s moist and leave it in a room with light but not direct sunlight. The experience has been so gratifying that I’m going to make another one for our home. I’ll  Instagram some pictures and maybe even do a Snapchat of it! You can follow me at emhemwill.

My mom has taught me it’s the thought that counts. She would’ve been happy with a card but this terrarium is going to blow her mind! Plus, Mabel helped me assemble it, so it’ll make it that more special. If it seems like too much work… Here’s my Mother’s Day Gift Guide for ya 😉

What do you think? Are you going to give it a shot?!


Emma xx

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